AI Builders Garage

A platform built for young entrepreneurs and developers to build their ideas into sustainable solutions. AI Builders Garage is a life-long alliance built around community for people to come to time and time again for the support, guidance, and unification. Participate, Learn, and Play!

Youth Entrepreneurship

Demonstrate how AI can be leveraged to solve different challenges in business. Applicants can choose between existing business portfolios or introduce new venture into the market.


A track built to demonstrate the skills sets of the best of minds in the region. Shortlisted candidates will display the upgrading and customization of AI Models to meet individual, specific businesses or government systems to present at the AI Builders Garage live!


You have the opportunity to join a community of Developers, Entrepreneurs and Professionals from all professions who collaborate on projects to creatively solve identified problems through Tech and AI.

Youth Entrepreneurship

Demonstrate how AI can be leveraged to solve different challenges in business. We are currently accepting applications from aspiring entrepreneurs and business professionals that can demonstrate how AI can be leveraged to solve different challenges in business.  Applicants can choose between existing public business portfolios or new and creative business plans. Gain the opportunity to build your use-cases and present it at the AI Builders Garage in front of top industry investors and venture capitalists!

Sustainable AI Hackathon

Build an AI Model or AI Solution addressing sustainability and present your innovation in front of the world’s top industry leaders, investors, and venture capitalist. Your solution may have the potential to touch the lives of others through the alliance of technology, business, and sustainability. Shortlisted candidates will display the upgrading and customization of AI Models to meet individual, specific businesses or government systems to present at the AI Builders Garage live!


Join a community full of  Developers, Entrepreneurs, and Professionals from all professions who collaborate on projects to creatively solve identified problems through Tech and AI. Build your skills, connections, and career!

AI Builders Garage Partners

Sports Reels

Personalized Sports Performance reporting platform

Traders OF africa

An SME skilling program (Commodity Trading course by TOFA powered by Flapmax Learn)


Epinec ShieldForce cybersecurity app on Marketplace

moon Innovations

IoT hardware support by the ABG program, and their AI-enabled smart inverter system


Messenger - On-demand delivery platform

Minagie Energy

Renewable Energy Optimization Platform


Platform for Optimizing car repair process


Fashion Business Solution for Entrepreneurs


AI Research & diagnostic application